Ayersville Tri Meet 2023 Results

For the girl's side, Ally got Schindler got first in the 100m, 200M, and 2nd in the long jump. Lanie Sheets got 3rd in the 200m, and 3rd in the high jump. Ajalyn Fry got 2nd in the 400m and 3rd in the 1600m, Kali Sprow got 3rd in the 800m and 3rd in the 3200m. Neva Sheets got 4th in 100H and 5th in 300H, and Brooklyn Michel got 6th in 100H and 3rd in 300H. Kaitlyn Ketcham got 3rd in the pole vault and Autumn Kreigh 4th in the pole vault too. Allyssa Coble got 2nd in discus and Raina Bok got 3rd in shot put. And the 4x100, 4x200, 4x400 all got 2nd and 4x800m got 3rd. For the guy's side, Nathan Tyrrell got 1st in the 100m and 200m. Owen Berner got 3rd in the 200m, Liam Krouse 2nd in the 3200m Leo Barazza got 3rd in the 300H. 4x100m got 2nd, and 4x400m and 4x800m both got 3rd.  Garrett Flory was 1st in the high jump, Owen Berner got 1st in the long jump and Taurean Knueven got 3rd.  Raymond Wolfrum got 1st in the pole vault, Tyson Schlachter got 1st in the discus, and he also got 1st in the shot put. 
By Landon Sensmeier
